(Available in North America. Currently in Beta testing in Europe.)
Content Tools is a web tool where you can create, manage and share custom location and routing content for all of your Trimble MAPS solutions. With Content Tools, you can create:
- Places. Create your own custom place names and points of interest—from important business locations to rest and fuel stops.
- Sites. Create pre-defined areas with site-specific details such as entrances and exits for trucks. For example, a site can be a warehouse, shopping mall, distribution center, a yard, a business park, etc.
- Road Closures. Create and visualize closures on specific road links.
- Route Modifiers. Create and visualize road links that should be avoided or favored during routing.
The content you create in Content Tools can be shared with PC*MILER, PC*MILER Web Services, Trimble MAPS, CoPilot Truck and CoPilot Professional.* That way, you can ensure consistency among all users of your company's location data when planning commercial vehicle routes. You can also be sure your data is being stored safely and securely.
Content Tools is available with the purchase of licensed products.
*NOTE: Not all data can be synced with all products.